How to trace SQL sessions to identify Oracle Database bottlenecks

Want your database to run faster? While common tuning techniques can prove quite helpful in resolving many performance issues, they don’t show the details of all the activities of a session. For example, by using those techniques, you can see what events the session has been waiting for, how much time a session has spent on each event, and what resources (CPU cycles, memory, and so on) an event consumed. Those tuning techniques do not, however, show the timing of individual queries or the different execution steps in each query. To display those details, you need to trace the session.

Tracing is the action of enabling a flag in Oracle Database that instructs the database to write the details of the activities inside a session to a text file on the server. In this article, you will learn how to enable tracing in remote and future sessions and analyze trace files to resolve performance issues. There are many ways you can enable tracing in sessions, but the easiest is to use the Oracle-provided DBMS_MONITOR package.

Tracing basics

Consider the following problem scenario: Your database application performance has been erratic; it has been acting as expected at times and badly at other times. How can you identify the root cause and resolve the issue? The answer: Trace and analyze the session. To demonstrate the concepts and the solution, I will use the SH schema, available with the sample schemas of Oracle Database.

To see tracing concepts and this article’s problem and solution in action, first connect to the database as the SH user and run the query shown in Listing 1.

Code listing 1: Example activity script

-- Example activity script to demonstrate tracing
-- Connect as SH user and execute the script
-- SH schema (part of example schemas) must have been installed.
alter session set query_rewrite_integrity = stale_tolerated
alter session set query_rewrite_enabled = true
SELECT     sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars
  FROM     sales s
  ,        times t
  WHERE    s.time_id = t.time_id
  AND      t.calendar_month_desc = '1998-05'
alter session set query_rewrite_enabled = false
alter session set query_rewrite_integrity = enforced
SELECT     sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars
  FROM     sales s
  ,        times t
  WHERE    s.time_id = t.time_id
  AND      t.calendar_month_desc = '1998-05'

To start the session trace, you first need to know the unique identifiers of the session: the SID and the SERIAL#. Use the following query to find these identifiers in the v$session view:

select sid, serial#
from v$session
where username = 'SH';

Using the SID and SERIAL# returned, turn on tracing for the session by executing the following SQL statement as the SYS user:

  dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable (
    session_id => <SID>, 
    serial_num => <serial#>, 
    waits      => true, 
    binds      => true
    plan_stat  => 'all_executions');

After tracing is enabled, the trace file— a text file—is generated on the database server at the location specified by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST database initialization parameter. Listing 2 shows a script—named tfname.sql—that accepts the SID of the session as a parameter and shows the complete path of the trace file as the output.

Code listing 2: Script to identify the trace file

   r.value                                ||'\diag\rdbms\'||
   sys_context('USERENV','DB_NAME')       ||'\'||
   sys_context('USERENV','INSTANCE_NAME') ||'\trace\'||
   sys_context('USERENV','DB_NAME')       ||'_ora_'||p.spid||'.trc'
   as tracefile_name
from v$session s, v$parameter r, v$process p
where = 'diagnostic_dest'
and s.sid = &1
and p.addr = s.paddr;

For example, to find the trace file of a session with SID 246, you would execute

SQL> @tfname 246

For UNIX-based systems, replace backslashes (\) with forward slashes (/) in the tfname.sql script. In this case, the trace file—named ann1_ora_11408.trc—is generated in the C:\APP\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\ANN1\ann1\trace folder. I am not showing the entire trace file here.


Examining a raw trace file can be overwhelming. To glean useful information from it quickly, convert it to a format you can easily interpret.

Oracle Database provides a tool called tkprof for this very purpose. It accepts a raw trace file and produces a file with the trace file data in a readable format. Here is how you would use tkprof on a raw trace file named ann1_ora_11408.trc:

tkprof ann1_ora_11408.trc 
ann1_ora_11408.out sys=no waits=yes 
aggregate=no width=180

It produces a well-formatted file named ann1_ora_11408.out.

Listing 3 is a small excerpt of the ann1_ora_11408.out file. The output file shows many things: various queries executed by the session, the execution statistics of the queries, and more.

Code listing 3: tkprof output, part 1

... output truncated ...
SELECT     sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars
  FROM     sales s
  ,        times t
  WHERE    s.time_id = t.time_id
  AND      t.calendar_month_desc = '1998-05'
call     count      cpu    elapsed      disk      query    current        rows
————— ———————— ———————— —————————— ————————— —————————— —————————— ———————————
Parse        1     0.00       0.00         0          0          0           0
Execute      1     0.00       0.00         0          0          0           0
Fetch        2     0.00       0.01         0          3          0           1
————— ———————— ———————— —————————— ————————— —————————— —————————— ———————————
total        4     0.00       0.01         0          3          0           1
Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max) Row Source Operation
—————————— —————————— —————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————
         1          1          1 SORT AGGREGATE (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=61 us)
         1          1          1  MAT_VIEW REWRITE ACCESS FULL CAL_MONTH_
                                  SALES_MV (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=52 us cost=3 
                                  size=15 card=1)
... output truncated …

The statistics in Listing 3 just after the SQL show the different types of activities called by the query (under CALL): PARSE, EXECUTE, and FETCH. The rest of the output shows execution statistics for the different activities in a table format. Here are some important table columns in the tkprof output of the trace file and their meanings:

  • COUNT. The number of times that type of call has been made.
  • ELAPSED. The total time of the call, including CPU time. (This is the directly observable metric. The greater the elapsed time, the more time the session is taking.)
  • CPU. The total CPU time of the call.
  • QUERY. How many blocks were accessed (queried) by the call (whether from disk or buffer cache).
  • DISK. How many of those queried blocks came from the disk.

The query execution statistics are the first thing you should examine during performance troubleshooting. Look at the number of calls for each type of operation in Listing 3. For example, parsing requires CPU cycles, so the greater the CPU number for PARSE, the greater the CPU consumption. Next, look at the total time under ELAPSED. Obviously, your tuning objective is to reduce the elapsed time of the query to reduce the overall time used by the session. But how?

To answer that, notice the number for TOTAL under CPU in Listing 3, which shows the total CPU time. My “Beginning performance tuning” article demonstrated that an Oracle Database session is in one of two states: doing something useful (on CPU) or waiting for something such as a latch or a lock. That same article demonstrated how to measure exactly how much time a session used and how much of it was spent on CPU, but that demonstration didn’t break down the elapsed times for individual SQL statements in a session. Now, with the tkprof output from the trace file, you not only know the elapsed time of the individual SQL statements inside the session but also how much of it was spent on CPU.

The DISK column value in Listing 3 shows 0, meaning that the query got all of its blocks from the buffer cache without needing to go to the physical disk. The QUERY column shows the number of rows retrieved at that stage. In this case, three rows were retrieved. Because Oracle Database spends some CPU cycles to get a row, the greater the number of rows accessed by the query, the more CPU cycles consumed and the greater the elapsed time.

Right after the tracing statistics in Listing 3, the output lists the row source information, which shows the steps the query executed as well as the statistics for those steps. In this case, the output shows that the query retrieved only one row. Consider the output:

SORT AGGREGATE (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0
time=61 us)

The TIME element in the output shows how much time the step took. In this case, the sort step took 61 microseconds.

Tracing captured the finer details of not just the session but also the individual SQL statements executed by the session and even the individual steps inside the query. With this level of detailed information, you can identify the specific activity taking up the bulk of the total time used by the session. Reduce that, and you reduce the elapsed time of the session and improve performance.


Now let’s see how to use the trace file information to solve the original problem. Listing 4 includes another excerpt of the same ann1_ora_11408.out tkprof output file. Examine the outputs in Listing 3 and Listing 4, and notice that this query

SELECT sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars 
FROM sales s, times t 
WHERE s.time_id = t.time_id 
AND t.calendar_month_desc = '1998-05' 

appears once in each listing. This is because the query was executed twice and therefore was captured twice in the raw trace file. The tkprof tool, by default, consolidates the metrics of both executions of a specific SQL statement into a single value. That’s why I included the AGGREGATE=NO parameter when I ran the tkprof tool, which caused each occurrence of the query to be recorded separately in the output file.

Note that although the body of the query is the same in both occurrences, the execution statistics are different. The ELAPSED column value shows 0.01 and 0.05 for the first and second occurrence—in Listing 3 and Listing 4—respectively. This is why the session slowed down: It took 0.05 seconds during the second occurrence instead of 0.01 seconds. I found the specific activity that caused the performance issue, but why did the second occurrence take longer?

Look at the QUERY column value in Listing 3 and Listing 4. It was 3 in the first occurrence of the query in Listing 3, but it was 24,485 in the second occurrence in Listing 4. This means that the first occurrence fetched only 3 rows but the second fetched 24,485 rows. Based on this information, it’s no surprise that the second occurrence took longer to complete—it had to fetch significantly more rows. I know that the table is static, so the number of rows fetched should be the same each time. So, why was the number of rows fetched different?

Code listing 4: tkprof output, part 2

... output truncated ...
SELECT     sum(s.amount_sold) AS dollars
  FROM     sales s
  ,        times t
  WHERE    s.time_id = t.time_id
  AND      t.calendar_month_desc = '1998-05'

call          count         cpu        elapsed          disk         query         current             rows
—————————— ———————— ——————————— —————————————— ————————————— —————————————— —————————————— ————————————————
Parse             1        0.00           0.00             0              0              0                0
Execute           1        0.00           0.00             0              0              0                0
Fetch             2        0.00           0.05             0          24485              0                1
—————————— ———————— ——————————— —————————————— ————————————— —————————————— —————————————— ————————————————
total             4        0.00           0.05             0          24485              0                1

Rows (1st)           Rows (avg)     Rows (max) Row Source Operation
——————————————  —————————————— —————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
             1               1              1 SORT AGGREGATE (cr=24485 pr=0 pw=0 time=50655 us)
         12309           12309          12309  HASH JOIN  (cr=24485 pr=0 pw=0 time=58765 us cost=665 size=536284 card=19153)
         12309           12309          12309   NESTED LOOPS  (cr=24485 pr=0 pw=0 time=53432 us cost=665 size=536284 card=19153)
         12309           12309          12309    NESTED LOOPS  (cr=90 pr=0 pw=0 time=5826 us cost=665 size=536284 card=19153)
            31              31             31     STATISTICS COLLECTOR  (cr=56 pr=0 pw=0 time=283 us)
            31              31             31      TABLE ACCESS FULL TIMES (cr=56 pr=0 pw=0 time=71 us cost=18 size=480 card=30)
         12309           12309          12309     PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR PARTITION: KEY KEY (cr=34 pr=0 pw=0 time=4410 us)
         12309           12309          12309      BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS (cr=34 pr=0 pw=0 time=2258 us)
            31              31             31       BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE SALES_TIME_BIX PARTITION: KEY KEY (cr=34 pr=0 pw=0 
                                                    time=299 us)(object id 92695)
         12309           12309          12309    TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID SALES PARTITION: 1 1 (cr=24395 pr=0 pw=0 
                                                 time=37669 us cost=665 size=7548 card=629)
             0               0              0   PARTITION RANGE JOIN-FILTER PARTITION: :BF0000 :BF0000 (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 
                                                us cost=665 size=7548 card=629)
             0               0              0    TABLE ACCESS FULL SALES PARTITION: :BF0000 :BF0000 (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 
                                                 us cost=665 size=7548 card=629)
... output truncated ...

The answer lies in the row source operation data. In the first occurrence of the query, in Listing 3, ROW SOURCE OPERATION shows


which means that the query selected from a materialized view named CAL_MONTH_MV—not from the database tables. Because materialized views contain summarized data, the query had to pull only a few relevant records from the summary—not all the rows from the tables. In the second occurrence of the query, in Listing 4, ROW SOURCE OPERATION shows that the query selected all the rows from tables, including SALES and TIMES, and from indexes—not from the materialized view. This is the reason for the much higher number of rows fetched in the second query occurrence in Listing 4.

You can also see from the output in Listing 4 that after fetching all the rows, the query executed some additional operations, including nested loops and hash joins. All of these additional steps and the much higher number of rows fetched resulted in the additional elapsed time for the session. You can identify the exact time elapsed for each step shown by TIME=VALUE US in the ROW SOURCE OPERATION output. Adding these times shows the total elapsed time of that occurrence of the query.

Why did the execution plan change from using materialized views to using the underlying database tables when the SQL query itself didn’t change? To get that answer, I examine the tkprof-formatted ann1_ora_11408.out trace output file. Notice this SQL statement before the second execution of the SQL query:

alter session
set query_rewrite_enabled = false;

This SQL statement disabled automatic query rewrite in the session, so during the second execution, the query had no choice but to ignore the presence of the materialized view. This explains the change in the behavior of the query and the resultant increase in elapsed time.

For this tuning problem, the solution is to remove this ALTER SESSION statement to bring the behavior—and therefore the performance—of the query execution back to normal.

Future sessions

In the preceding sections, you learned how to enable tracing in any session, provided that you know the SID and SERIAL# of that session. When a new session is created, however, it may have already performed some activity by the time you get its SID and SERIAL# and execute the DBMS_MONITOR_SESSION.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE procedure. In that case, the already-performed activities will not have been captured by tracing, but these very activities could be the cause of the performance issues. How do you capture them? You need to enable tracing for sessions that do not exist yet, and the DBMS_MONITOR package provides a procedure for that.

To enable tracing on sessions that don’t exist yet, you first need to know the service name the session uses while connecting. For this example, suppose the service name is APP. You execute the following SQL statement:

 dbms_monitor.serv_mod_act_trace_enable (
  service_name => 'APP'
  action_name  => dbms_monitor
  waits        => true,
  binds        => true

You can exit the session after executing this SQL statement, but the database instance will remember the command. When a new session starts with the service name APP, the database immediately turns on tracing for that session automatically so that all the activities are captured in the trace file.

Consolidating trace files

Most three-tier applications today use connection pools—groups of sessions connected to the database. An application uses any available session from this pool when it needs database interaction, and it releases the session when the interaction is done. If an application needs another database interaction later, it will use a second session from the pool. Similarly, a different application may use a session that was used earlier by another application.

If you want to trace all the activities of a specific application, you have to enable tracing in all the sessions the application may use. You can achieve this by enabling trace for the service name used by that application, as explained in the previous section. However, each session creates a separate trace file, so you will end up with many trace files. To understand the activities of an application, you will need to analyze all the different session trace files. And because many applications using the connection pool may have used the same session from that pool, a single trace file may contain the activities of many applications. So to tune an application in this environment, you have to look at multiple trace files and filter out the activities of the application you are tuning from the different files. Manually filtering application activities from multiple trace files is both difficult and error-prone.

Fortunately, there is a much simpler way: Oracle Database comes with a utility called TRCSESS that extracts only the required information from all trace files and produces a single relevant trace file.

To use TRCSESS, go to the directory where all the trace files are generated and use the command

output=alltraces.trc service=APP *.trc

This command pulls the activities of all sessions connected with the service name APP and creates a file named alltraces.trc from all the trace files in that directory. The format of alltraces.trc is exactly like that of a regular trace file, so you can use tkprof with this file as an input to produce a human-readable version.

In the case of an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database, there is more than one database server, so the trace files for a load-balanced application might be generated in many locations. You can combine the trace files generated on multiple hosts into a single file, using TRCSESS.

Turning off tracing

Tracing generates trace files on the database server file system, which slows database processing. Depending on the speed of the file system, the performance impact may not be noticeable, but you should turn tracing off when it is not needed.

To disable tracing for a session, execute the following:

  dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable (
    session_id => <SID>, 
    serial_num => <serial#>);


Tracing enables you to capture all the activities performed by the session and the corresponding performance metrics at a very granular level, which reveals trouble spots that are otherwise not visible in session-level metrics. Tuning features and tools enable you to create human-readable files from raw trace files and enable tracing on future sessions, and they help you extract relevant information from multiple trace files (for use with connection pools and Oracle RAC).
