Creating a Pluggable Database Release 19

Techniques for Creating a PDB

TechniqueDescriptionMore Information
Create a PDB from scratchCreate a PDB in a CDB using the files of the PDB seed or application seed. This technique copies the files associated with the seed to a new location and associates the copied files with the new PDB. This is the default creation mechanism. The other techniques require either a source database (PDB or non-CDB) or XML.Creating a PDB from Scratch
Clone an existing PDB or non-CDBCreate a PDB by cloning a source PDB or non-CDB. A source can be a PDB in the local CDB, a PDB in a remote CDB, a PDB in a local or remote application container, or a non-CDB. This technique copies the files associated with the source to a new location and associates the copied files with the new PDB.Cloning a PDB or Non-CDB
Relocate a PDB to a different CDBCreate a PDB by relocating it from one CDB to another. This technique moves the files associated with the PDB to a new location.Relocating a PDB
Plug an unplugged PDB into a CDBCreate a PDB by using the XML metadata file that describes the PDB and the files associated with the PDB to plug it into the CDB.Plugging In an Unplugged PDB
Reference a PDB as a proxy PDBCreate a PDB as a proxy PDB by referencing a different PDB with a database link. The referenced PDB can be in the same CDB as the proxy PDB, or it can be in a different CDB.Creating a PDB as a Proxy PDB
Create a PDB from a non-CDB, and then plug the PDB into a CDBCreate a PDB by adopting a non-CDB into a PDB. You can use the DBMS_PDB package to create an unplugged PDB from an Oracle Database 12c non-CDB. You can then plug the unplugged PDB into the CDB.Options for Creating a PDB from a Non-CDB

PDB File Locations

In the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, you can specify the locations of files used by the new PDB.

The term “file name” means both the name and the location of a file. The CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement has the following clauses that indicate the file names of the new PDB being created:

  • The FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause specifies the names of the PDB’s files after the PDB is created.Use this clause when the files are not yet at their ultimate destination, and you want to copy or move them during PDB creation. You can use this clause in any CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.
  • The CREATE_FILE_DEST clause specifies the default Oracle Managed Files file system directory or Oracle ASM disk group for the PDB’s files.Use this clause to enable Oracle Managed Files for the new PDB, independent of any Oracle Managed Files default location specified in the root for the CDB. You can use this clause in any CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

When necessary, you can use both clauses in the same CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement. In addition, the following initialization parameters can control the location of the new PDB files:

  • The DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST initialization parameter set in the root. This initialization parameter specifies the default location for Oracle Managed Files for the CDB. When this parameter is set in a PDB, it specifies the default location for Oracle Managed Files for the PDB.
  • The PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter. This initialization parameter maps names of existing files to new file names when processing a CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.

The following table shows the precedence order when both clauses are used in the same CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, and both initialization parameters are set. For each clause and initialization parameter, the table also shows whether the files created by the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement will use Oracle Managed Files or not.

Summary of File Location Clauses and Initialization Parameters

Clause or Initialization ParameterPrecedence OrderWill the Files Created by CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE Use Oracle Managed Files?
DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST initialization parameter3Yes
PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter4No

Regarding the use of Oracle Managed Files, the table only applies to files created by the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement. Files created for the PDB after the PDB has been created might or might not use Oracle Managed Files.

In addition, if FILE_NAME_CONVERT and CREATE_FILE_DEST are both specified in the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, then the FILE_NAME_CONVERT setting is used for the files being placed during PDB creation, and the CREATE_FILE_DEST setting is used to set the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST initialization parameter in the PDB. In this case, Oracle Managed Files controls the location of the files for the PDB after PDB creation.

Clone Non-CDB to CDB

Set the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter on target so you don’t have to worry about FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameter during cloning or migration. Your target CDB will auto create the datafiles for cloned PDB into DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter location

On target CDB:
SQL> alter system set DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST='/u01/CDB/';

On the source Non-CDB, create a user inside database and give permissions

On source Non-CDB:
SQL> create user migrate identified by migrate#123;
SQL> grant connect, resource, create pluggable database to migrate;

On the target CDB, setup tns entries to connect source Non-CDB

On target CDB:
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

Create database link which allows us to connect source DB inside sqlplus on target

On target CDB:
SQL> create database link clone_link connect to migrate identified by migrate#123 using 'NONCDB';

Clone DB from source to target

On target CDB:
SQL> create pluggable database ORCL from NON$CDB@clone_link;

SQL> create pluggable database {new-pdb} from {non$cdb}@{db-link};

Since there is no PDB to name, we use “NON$CDB” as the PDB name

execute the script noncdb_to_pdb.sql

SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/noncdb_to_pdb.sql
<output truncated>
SQL> set verify OFF
SQL> set wrap ON
SQL> set xmloptimizationcheck OFF

Clone PDB on Remote CDB

Set the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter on target so you don’t have to worry about FILE_NAME_CONVERT parameter during cloning or migration. Your target CDB will auto create the datafiles for cloned PDB into DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter location

On target CDB:
SQL> alter system set DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST='/u01/CDB/';

On the source CDB, create a user inside PDB (you want to clone) and give permissions

On source PDB:
SQL> create user migrate identified by migrate#123;
SQL> grant connect, resource, create pluggable database to migrate;

On the target CDB, setup tns entries to connect source PDB

On target CDB:
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

Create database link which allows us to connect source PDB inside sqlplus on target

On source PDB:
alter pluggable database HRPDB open;

On target CDB:
SQL> create database link HRPDB connect to migrate identified by migrate#123 using 'SOURCE_HRPDB';
SQL> select 1 from dual@HRPDB ;

Clone pdb from source to target

On target CDB:
SQL> create pluggable database HRPDB_NEW from HRPDB@HRPDB;

SQL> create pluggable database {new-pdb} from {old-pdb}@{db-link};