Indexes in Postgresql

PostgreSQL Basic Index Terminology

Before describing the types of indexes in PostgreSQL and their use, let’s take a look at some terminology that any DBA will come across sooner or later when reading the docs.

  • Index Access Method (also called as Access Method): The index type (B-tree, GiST, GIN, etc)
  • Type: the data type of the indexed column
  • Operator: a function between two data types
  • Operator Family: cross data type operator, by grouping operators of types with similar behaviour
  • Operator Class (also mentioned as index strategy): defines the operators to be used by the index for a column

In PostgreSQL’s system catalog, access methods are stored in pg_am, operator classes in pg_opclass, operator families in pg_opfamily. The dependencies of the above are shown in the diagram below:

Types of Indexes in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides the following Index types:

  • B-tree: the default index, applicable for types that can be sorted
  • Hash: handles equality only
  • GiST: suitable for non-scalar data types (e.g. geometrical shapes, fts, arrays)
  • SP-GiST: space partitioned GIST, an evolution of GiST for handling non-balanced structures (quadtrees, k-d trees, radix trees)
  • GIN: suitable for complex types (e.g. jsonb, fts, arrays )
  • BRIN: a relatively new type of index which supports data that can be sorted by storing min/max values in each block

Now we’ll try to get our hands dirty with some real world examples. All examples given are done with PostgreSQL 10.0 (with both 10 and 9 psql clients) on FreeBSD 11.1.

B-tree Indexes

Let’s suppose we have the following table:

create table part (
id serial primary key,
partno varchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
partname varchar(80) NOT NULL,
partdescr text,
machine_id int NOT NULL

When we define this rather common table, PostgreSQL creates two unique B-tree indexes behind the scenes: part_pkey and part_partno_key. So every unique constraint in PostgreSQL is implemented with a unique INDEX. Lets populate our table with a million rows of data:

postgres=# with populate_qry as (select gs from generate_series(1,1000000) as gs )insert into part (partno, partname,machine_id) SELECT 'PNo:'||gs, 'Part '||gs,0 from populate_qry;

INSERT 0 1000000
Time: 10226.305 ms (00:10.226)

Now let’s try to do some queries on our table. First we tell psql client to report query times by typing \timing:

postgres=# select * from part where id=100000;
id | partno | partname | partdescr | machine_id
100000 | PNo:100000 | Part 100000 | | 0
(1 row)

Time: 0.428 ms

postgres=# select * from part where partno='PNo:100000';
id | partno | partname | partdescr | machine_id
100000 | PNo:100000 | Part 100000 | | 0
(1 row)

Time: 1.043 ms

We observe that it takes only fractions of the millisecond to get our results. We expected this since for both columns used in the above queries, we have already defined the appropriate indexes. Now let’s try to query on column partname, for which no index exists.

postgres=# select * from part where partname='Part 100000';
id | partno | partname | partdescr | machine_id
100000 | PNo:100000 | Part 100000 | | 0
(1 row)

Time: 43.395 ms

Here we see clearly that for the non indexed column, the performance drops significantly. Now lets create an index on that column, and repeat the query:

postgres=# create index part_partname_idx ON part(partname);
Time: 3341.276 ms (00:03.341)

postgres=# select * from part where partname='Part 100000';
id | partno | partname | partdescr | machine_id
100000 | PNo:100000 | Part 100000 | | 0
(1 row)

Time: 0.797 ms

Our new index part_partname_idx is also a B-tree index (the default). First we note that the index creation on the million rows table took a significant amount of time, about 3 seconds. Then we observe that our query speed was boosted from 43 ms down to 0.797 ms. B-tree indexes, besides checking for equality, can also help with queries involving other operators on ordered types, such as <,<=,>=,>. Lets try with <= and >=

postgres=# select count(*) from part where partname>='Part 9999900';



(1 row)

Time: 0.961 ms

postgres=# select count(*) from part where partname<='Part 9999900';



(1 row)

Time: 127.835 ms

The first query is much faster than the second, by using the EXPLAIN (or EXPLAIN ANALYZE) keywords we can see if the actual index is used or not:

In the first case, the query planner chooses to use the part_partname_idx index. We also observe that this will result in an index-only scan which means no access to the data tables at all. In the second case the planner determines that there is no point in using the index as the returned results are a big portion of the table, in which case a sequential scan is thought to be faster.

Hash Indexes

Use of hash indexes up to and including PgSQL 9.6 was discouraged due to reasons having to do with lack of WAL writing. As of PgSQL 10.0 those issues were fixed, but still hash indexes made little sense to use. There are efforts in PgSQL 11 to make hash indexes a first class index method along with its bigger brothers (B-tree, GiST, GIN). So, with this in mind, let’s actually try a hash index in action.

We will enrich our part table with a new column parttype and populate it with values of equal distribution, and then run a query that tests for parttype equal to ‘Steering’:

1234567891011121314testdb=# alter table part add parttype varchar(100) CHECK (parttype in ('Engine','Suspension','Driveline','Brakes','Steering','General')) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'General';ALTER TABLETime: 42690,557 ms (00:42,691)testdb=# with catqry as  (select id,(random()*6)::int % 6 as cat from part)update part SET parttype = CASE WHEN cat=1 THEN 'Engine' WHEN cat=2 THEN 'Suspension' WHEN cat=3 THEN 'Driveline' WHEN cat=4 THEN 'Brakes' WHEN cat=5 THEN 'Steering' ELSE 'General' END FROM catqry WHERE;UPDATE 1000000Time: 46345,386 ms (00:46,345)testdb=# select count(*) from part where id % 500 = 0 AND parttype = 'Steering';count-------322(1 row) Time: 93,361 ms

Now we create a Hash index for this new column, and retry the previous query:

12345678910111213testdb=# create index part_parttype_idx ON part USING hash(parttype);CREATE INDEXTime: 95525,395 ms (01:35,525)testdb=# analyze ;ANALYZETime: 1986,642 ms (00:01,987)testdb=# select count(*) from part where id % 500 = 0 AND parttype = 'Steering';count-------322(1 row) Time: 63,634 ms

We note the improvement after using the hash index. Now we will compare the performance of a hash index on integers against the equivalent b-tree index.

12345678910testdb=# update part set machine_id = id;UPDATE 1000000Time: 392548,917 ms (06:32,549)testdb=# select * from part where id=500000;id   |   partno   |  partname   | partdescr | machine_id |  parttype  --------+------------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------500000 | PNo:500000 | Part 500000 |           |     500000 | Suspension(1 row) Time: 0,316 ms
1234567testdb=# select * from part where machine_id=500000;id   |   partno   |  partname   | partdescr | machine_id |  parttype  --------+------------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------500000 | PNo:500000 | Part 500000 |           |     500000 | Suspension(1 row) Time: 97,037 ms
1234567891011testdb=# create index part_machine_id_idx ON part USING hash(machine_id);CREATE INDEXTime: 4756,249 ms (00:04,756)testdb=#testdb=# select * from part where machine_id=500000;id   |   partno   |  partname   | partdescr | machine_id |  parttype  --------+------------+-------------+-----------+------------+------------500000 | PNo:500000 | Part 500000 |           |     500000 | Suspension(1 row) Time: 0,297 ms

As we see, with the use of hash indexes, the speed of queries that check for equality is very close to the speed of B-tree indexes. Hash indexes are said to be marginally faster for equality than B-trees, in fact we had to try each query two or three times until hash index gave a better result than the b-tree equivalent.

GiST Indexes

GiST (Generalized Search Tree) is more than a single kind of index, but rather an infrastructure to build many indexing strategies. The default PostgreSQL distribution provides support for geometric data types, tsquery and tsvector. In contrib there are implementations of many other operator classes. By reading the docs and the contrib dir, the reader will observe that there is a rather big overlap between GiST and GIN use cases: int arrays, full text search to name the main cases. In those cases GIN is faster, and the official documentation explicitly states that. However, GiST provides extensive geometric data type support. Also, as at the time of this writing, GiST (and SP-GiST) is the only meaningful method that can be used with exclusion constraints. We will see an example on this. Let us suppose (staying in the field of mechanical engineering) that we have a requirement to define machines type variations for a particular machine type, that are valid for a certain period in time; and that for a particular variation, no other variation can exist for the same machine type whose period in time overlaps (conflicts) with the particular variation period.

12345678create table machine_type (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, mtname varchar(50) not null, mtvar varchar(20) not null, start_date date not null, end_date date, CONSTRAINT machine_type_uk UNIQUE (mtname,mtvar));

Above we tell PostgreSQL that for every machine type name (mtname) there can be only one variation (mtvar). Start_date denotes the starting date of the period in which this machine type variation is valid, and end_date denotes the ending date of this period. Null end_date means that the machine type variation is currently valid. Now we want to express the non-overlapping requirement with a constraint. The way to do this is with an exclusion constraint:

1testdb=# alter table machine_type ADD CONSTRAINT machine_type_per EXCLUDE USING GIST (mtname WITH =,daterange(start_date,end_date) WITH &&);

The EXCLUDE PostgreSQL syntax allows us to specify many columns of different types and with a different operator for each one. && is the overlapping operator for date ranges, and = is the common equality operator for varchar. But as long as we hit enter PostgreSQL complains with a message:

12ERROR:  data type character varying has no default operator class for access method "gist"HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.

What is lacking here is GiST opclass support for varchar. Provided we have successfully built and installed the btree_gist extension, we may proceed with creating the extension:

12testdb=# create extension btree_gist ;CREATE EXTENSION

And then re-trying to create the constraint and test it:

1234567891011121314testdb=# alter table machine_type ADD CONSTRAINT machine_type_per EXCLUDE USING GIST (mtname WITH =,daterange(start_date,end_date) WITH &&);ALTER TABLEtestdb=# insert into machine_type (mtname,mtvar,start_date,end_date) VALUES('Subaru EJ20','SH','2008-01-01','2013-01-01');INSERT 0 1testdb=# insert into machine_type (mtname,mtvar,start_date,end_date) VALUES('Subaru EJ20','SG','2002-01-01','2009-01-01');ERROR:  conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "machine_type_per"DETAIL:  Key (mtname, daterange(start_date, end_date))=(Subaru EJ20, [2002-01-01,2009-01-01)) conflicts with existing key (mtname, daterange(start_date, end_date))=(Subaru EJ20, [2008-01-01,2013-01-01)).testdb=# insert into machine_type (mtname,mtvar,start_date,end_date) VALUES('Subaru EJ20','SG','2002-01-01','2008-01-01');INSERT 0 1testdb=# insert into machine_type (mtname,mtvar,start_date,end_date) VALUES('Subaru EJ20','SJ','2013-01-01',null);INSERT 0 1testdb=# insert into machine_type (mtname,mtvar,start_date,end_date) VALUES('Subaru EJ20','SJ2','2018-01-01',null);ERROR:  conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "machine_type_per"DETAIL:  Key (mtname, daterange(start_date, end_date))=(Subaru EJ20, [2018-01-01,)) conflicts with existing key (mtname, daterange(start_date, end_date))=(Subaru EJ20, [2013-01-01,)).

SP-GiST Indexes

SP-GiST which stands for space-partitioned GiST, like GiST, is an infrastructure that enables the development for many different strategies in the domain of non-balanced disk-based data structures. The default PgSQL distribution offers support for two-dimensional points, (any type) ranges, text and inet types. Like GiST, SP-GiST can be used in exclusion constraints, in a similar way to the example shown in the previous chapter.

GIN Indexes

GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) like GiST and SP-GiST can provide many indexing strategies. GIN is suited when we want to index columns of composite types. The default PostgreSQL distribution provides support for any array type, jsonb and full text search (tsvector). In contrib there are implementations of many other operator classes. Jsonb, a highly praised feature of PostgreSQL (and a relatively recent (9.4+) development) is relying on GIN for index support. Another common use of GIN is indexing for full text search. Full text search in PgSQL deserves an article on its own, so we’ll cover here only the indexing part. First let’s make some preparation to our table, by giving not null values to partdescr column and updating a single row with a meaningful value:

123456testdb=# update part set partdescr ='';UPDATE 1000000Time: 383407,114 ms (06:23,407)testdb=# update part set partdescr = 'thermostat for the cooling system' where id=500000;UPDATE 1Time: 2,405 ms

Then we perform a text search on the newly updated column:

1234567testdb=# select * from part where partdescr @@ 'thermostat';id   |   partno   |  partname   |             partdescr             | machine_id |  parttype  --------+------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+------------+------------500000 | PNo:500000 | Part 500000 | thermostat for the cooling system |     500000 | Suspension(1 row) Time: 2015,690 ms (00:02,016)

This is quite slow, almost 2 seconds to bring our result. Now let’s try to create a GIN index on type tsvector, and repeat the query, using an index-friendly syntax:

12345678910testdb=# CREATE INDEX part_partdescr_idx ON part USING gin(to_tsvector('english',partdescr));CREATE INDEXTime: 1431,550 ms (00:01,432)testdb=# select * from part where to_tsvector('english',partdescr) @@ to_tsquery('thermostat');id   |   partno   |  partname   |             partdescr             | machine_id |  parttype  --------+------------+-------------+-----------------------------------+------------+------------500000 | PNo:500000 | Part 500000 | thermostat for the cooling system |     500000 | Suspension(1 row) Time: 0,952 ms

And we get a 2000-fold speed up. Also we may note the relatively short time that it took the index to be created. You may experiment with using GiST instead of GIN in the above example, and measure the performance of reads, writes and index creation for both access methods.

BRIN Indexes

BRIN (Block Range Index) is the newest addition to the PostgreSQL’s set of index types, since it was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5, having only a few years as a standard core feature. BRIN works on very large tables by storing summary information for a set of pages called “Block Range”. BRIN Indexes are lossy (like GiST) and this requires both extra logic in PostgreSQL’s query executor, and also the need for extra maintenance. Let’s see BRIN in action:

1234567testdb=# select count(*) from part where machine_id BETWEEN 5000 AND 10000;count-------5001(1 row) Time: 100,376 ms
12345678910testdb=# create index part_machine_id_idx_brin ON part USING BRIN(machine_id);CREATE INDEXTime: 569,318 mstestdb=# select count(*) from part where machine_id BETWEEN 5000 AND 10000;count-------5001(1 row) Time: 5,461 ms

Here we see on average a ~ 18-fold speedup by the use of the BRIN index. However, BRIN’s real home is in the domain of big data, so we hope to test this relatively new technology in real world scenarios in the future.

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