Display big numbers in SQLPLUS

NUMWIDTH setting which is by default 10 and hence you can display only 10 numbers without conversion but anything beyond that becomes exponential format. SHOW NUMWIDTH will display the current numwidth in the session and SET NUMWIDTH will change this number.

SQL> show numwidth
numwidth 10
SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 8.6973E+11 bytes
Fixed Size                 37281960 bytes
Variable Size            6.3243E+11 bytes
Database Buffers         2.3676E+11 bytes
Redo Buffers              499585024 bytes
SQL> set numwidth 15
SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area    869730873512 bytes
Fixed Size                      37281960 bytes
Variable Size               632433934336 bytes
Database Buffers            236760072192 bytes
Redo Buffers                   499585024 bytes

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