Migrate PostgreSQL Users To AWS RDS PostgreSQL

According to PostgreSQL migration, we can migrate the databases and tables. I was migrating a Postgresql environment from EC2 to RDS Postgresql. I have completed the data migration. In many blogs, they have mentioned the steps to migrate PostgreSQL users to another server. But in RDS I couldnโ€™t able to do that. I got the below error.

**ERROR**: must be superuser to alter superusers

It seems we canโ€™t directly import the users because few users had superuser role. So we need to do some sanitization to migrate the users.

The roles that are not supported in RDS: #

  • SuperUser
  • Replication

So we need to remove these roles in the import file. Here are the complete steps for migrating PostgreSQL user to RDS.

Dump out the users: #

pg_dumpall -g > users.sql

Directly Import to another PostgreSQL servers(Ec2/On-Prem):ย #
awk '/CREATE/' users.sql > migrate.sql
psql -h another-server -d postgres -U adminuser < migrate.sql


Importing to AWS RDS PostgreSQL: #

awk '/CREATE/' users.sql > migrate.sql
-- Sanitize superuser, replication roles
sed -i -e's/NOSUPERUSER//g; s/SUPERUSER//g; s/NOREPLICATION//g; s/REPLICATION//g' migrate.sql

-- Import superusers from current servers and grant rds_superuser privilege.
psql -h localserver -d postgres -t -c"select 'grant rds_superuser to '||rolname ||';' from pg_roles where rolsuper='t';" -P "footer=off" >> migrate.sql
psql -h rds-endpoint -U adminuser -d postgres < migrate.sql